Beauty is the new office supply.
Once upon a time, I was an engineer.
Most of the time, I liked – and even loved – my work. From the outside, life was good; I should have been happy & contented.
Only I wasn’t happy & contented.
There was a current of longing, a restlessness, a nagging sense of disquiet always running below the surface.
It felt like something was missing in my life – something important – and I couldn’t put my finger on it.
I wish I could convey how confusing & frustrating it was to always feel like something was missing.
I tried to fill the hole: with people, with activities. That didn’t work.
I tried to ignore the hole. That didn’t work either.
I thought it meant that I had to change everything.
But changing everything is a daunting prospect, and none of my ideas ever felt quite right, so I would eventually go back to ignoring it.
I did this for ten years.
The thing I know now, that I didn’t know then, is that something was missing.
The long hours + stress + busy days made it easy to forget all the parts of me that I didn’t need in order to do my work. They slipped further and further away from me.
Eventually, I forgot they were ever important at all.
If I could go back in time, I would do one thing: I would bring in beauty.
Beauty is neither a luxury nor a frivolity.
Beauty is a need.
Beauty can feel like a long cool deep life-giving drink to parts of us that we didn’t even realize were dying of thirst.
Do you resonate with me-of-then? If so, I created something just for you.
I call it Images to Go.
You might call it a drink, a pause, a breath ~ of beauty.
Images to Go is a collection of five digital images.
Think of it as fast food for the soul, only wholesome + nourishing + good for you.
It’s a ridiculously easy way to bring beauty into your day. No long hours + stress + hard work required.
These are digital images, to give you the widest array of options.
Use the images as a computer background or screensaver.
Print the images (on paper or photo paper) and tack them along a row of cubicles.
Have prints made (at your favorite photo printing place) and frame them for your office.
(You get the original files. They’re all 3008×2000 pixels, in case you care about such things.)
Throughout your day, whenever you need a break, pause and look at an image.
Maybe you’ll be inspired with an idea or a solution.
Maybe you’ll feel calmer & more rested.
Maybe you’ll have a burst of clarity & focus.
Maybe you’ll straighten your spine and breathe more slowly & deeply, even for a second.
Maybe you’ll discover that you do have time after all.
The images again, all together.
- let the sun shine
- peek-a-boo
- be calm, be still
- the green green grass of home
- the merry month of may
Are you ready to add a dose of beauty to your work day?
Because if beauty isn’t the new office supply, it should be.
Cost: $17
Here’s how it will work.
- Click buy now and complete your purchase using PayPal. (You can use a credit card if you don’t have a PayPal account.)
- After you complete your payment, you’ll be directed to a page where you can download a zip file containing the images. You’ll also receive an email with the download link.
p.s. If you want your very own collection, or you want to offer this to everyone in your company, I can help.
If you want your very own collection, I am an excellent matchmaker and can create a collection just for you.
If you want to provide the images to everyone in your company, I can offer you a bulk subscription rate.
For more information, email me: eahalt (at) mac (dot) com.
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