April 30, 2017

{an extremely irregular series comprised of visual definitions}
adjective ethe·re·al \i-ˈthir-ē-əl\
1 : lacking material substance
2 : marked by unusual delicacy or refinement
3 : suggesting the heavens or heaven
(definition courtesy of merriam-webster)
June 10, 2016

{an extremely irregular series comprised of visual definitions}
every time i see or smell lilacs, i decide i couldn’t find anything that better exemplifies the word redolent.
adjective red·o·lent \-lənt\
1 : exuding fragrance
2 : full of a specified fragrance
(definition courtesy of merriam-webster)
May 24, 2013

we are singing the world into existence.
March 9, 2013

if i were going to start a fortune-telling business, i would start here. i would foretell the future by looking at the sands of time.
December 23, 2012

may your days be merry and bright.
may love and joy and color and light surround you, this week and always.
July 25, 2011

including at the vet’s office.
while i was waiting for atlas to get his nails trimmed, i noticed the blue color of an exam room through the individual blocks in the faux glass privacy wall. (i don’t know what else to call it. it’s a sort of thick block that looks like a cross between glass and plastic and you can almost see through it.) the colors morphed into various designs depending on my view and it was absolutely delightful. i kept snapping away even after atlas was returned to me.