because sometimes i so wish i could sit down with you and share a story over a cup of coffee, i thought i would do so in the form of a video.
in case you don’t like video, here’s the short version.
i have been through a lot of hard in my life.
one of the ways i made it though all the hard years and experiences – and the way i continue to make it through – is by using the power of imagination and story.
i write the stories i need to read when things are hard.
my tiny stories come from the part of me that always believes in hope & joy & magic & possibility & wonder.
no matter how hard things get.
regardless of whether everything around me seems to indicate that they are impossible and improbable.
i share my stories because i want to remind YOU of hope & joy & magic & possibility & wonder.
i want you to have stories that you can use as a lighthearted reminder, a touchstone, for the moments when they seem impossibly far away.