Entries organized under news & announcements
i’m making cards
i’m making cards again! it is so much fun that i thought i’d share a few of my new card sets with you. someday, i hope, they will make it into my little shoppe of wonder on etsy.
crimson tide
first blush
a swiftly tilting planet
under a snow goose moon
clearly i was not meant for mass production because i rarely have more than one of each set. probably because i like pairing each set with its name the most.
a bit of wonder for your mailbox
the great lake & i are creating tiny bundles of love.
you will receive:
a postcard, holding a glimpse of the lake on one side & a love note written just for you on the other.
a colorful stone, polished by the waves & cleansed by the crystal clear water.
an (invisible) blessing.
the essence: a cool breeze through an open window at the end of a hot summer day; scrunching your toes in the sand while the waves lap the shore; or that first long cold sip of an icy drink.
sweet sweet relief.
the price: $7
maybe one of these bundles is meant for you (or someone you love). if so, click the button.
from lake superior & myself, with love.
atlas says: i want to brighten your day + mailbox
that’s right! it’s time for another round of postcards!
i’m calling this one project happiness. it’s my cure for the winter doldrums.
if you want in, i’d love to have you.
either way, i am wishing you sunshine + smiles + happiness.
your friend, atlas
let’s leave language behind, just for a moment
for you, for now, a heartfelt offering: 30 days of wonder.
during the end-of-year chaos, ground yourself in stillness + wonder.
it begins on november 15th.
if the time is right, and the silence calls, i would love to have you along.
a gift + a midsummer sale
one. a gift.
this image is my computer background. it makes me so happy that i want you to have the image too.
click the image to see the full-size version. right-click + download the linked file to use as you wish. (in full size, you can see a tiny black bug on the daisy. it looks like it is hanging on for dear life.)
two. a sale.
a need inspired me with the idea for a midsummer sale. through this weekend, most everything i offer has a special price. i invite you to wander around the curio cabinet; perhaps there is something that calls to you.
while it is indeed true that you need beauty + wonder + magic, it is also true that i have nothing you need, only things that are a delight + a pleasure.
(here’s what i am delighting in today: wonder + whimsy filled stories that fly swiftly + easily into your email inbox; postcards from the wild, full of wisdom & full of wonder; and yellow roman candles, a photo series depicting a tiny unforgettable moment of magic.
for you, with love.
happy solstice
the days are long here – dawn comes before 6, the tennis ball can still be seen after 10 – and my body + spirit are drinking in the light.
i hope your solstice dreams were full of magic.
As shakespeare said about the summer solstice, in a midsummer night’s dream, “whatever is dreamed on this night, will come to pass.”
in that spirit, and in honor of the solstice, i added a favorite print to the shoppe. may it remind you of wonder + magic.
postcards from the wild
{an irregular series of postcards from our wild friends. this one is from a yellow warbler named viola. previous postcards: fred, constance, sam.}
today has been a busy day. apparently i am nesting, because i have done nothing but work on my nest. this is my very first nest and i want it to be perfect. plus, i like the idea of sitting in comfort.
building a nest is very satisfying work. especially now. i am building my nest at the top of a lilac bush. have you ever smelled lilacs in the springtime? if you have smelled them, perhaps you know why i decided to build my nest here. first, my babies will smell each other and me. then, they will smell the sweetness.
(can you even see me? maybe you can see my yellow feathers among all the green. i saw someone taking this picture but didn’t have time to stand still for them. my eggs are calling me!)
your friend, viola
wishing you could find postcards from the wild in your mailbox?
now you can!
because it’s spring-summer, and your time is precious, i’m going to keep this short & sweet.
here are the specifics.
what: you’ll receive five postcards ~ five members of the animal kingdom, in photo + story.
where: the postcards will arrive in your mailbox.
when: the postcards will arrive randomly, beginning in october. (i have a secret wish to photograph a particular wild animal, and i need some time.)
who: perhaps, you!
why: you love animals. you love mail. you love tiny + delightful stories. you know that the wild is full of wisdom & full of wonder. you want to connect with the wild in & around you.
cost: $29
do join me in this postcard adventure!
i’d be delighted + honored to have you along.
–>this offering is no longer available. maybe next year!
p.s. postcards from the wild might make just the right gift.
for a wild heart in the city, a child who loves animals, or a house-bound elderly relative.
the very best kind of mail – postcards from Atlas
atlas here.
i am a pup with a biiiiiiiigggggggg mission.
my mission: to brighten your day.
because i am my person’s pup, i know just how to do it.
i am going to spread joy through postcards.
wouldn’t you love to find a postcard from me in your mailbox?
imagine your surprise.
imagine your delight.
i know i can make you smile!
this is going to be so much fun. won’t you join me?
you know you want to!
you can find all the details right here.
the postcards will start in april.