atlas says: i am very sensible. why does elizabeth not listen?
on monday, i helped my dad shovel. it was seven degrees below zero and the wind chill factor made it much much colder, but i was bundled up and happy to be outside and moving.
usually, atlas calmly watches me shovel from the window. that day, he did not. he barked and barked and barked. i heard his (extremely loud) bark through the walls.
finally, i let him come outside. he ran around me a few times, nipped at my mitten, then went to the garage door. i brought him inside, then came back out to shovel.
i figured that was the end of it. he saw what i was doing; he remembered that he didn’t want to be outside; he would calmly watch or take a nap. but no, he barked and barked and barked some more.
later that day, something occurred to me.
when he barked, what if he was saying, “it’s too cold! come in! come in! come in!”
when he nipped at my mitten, what if he was trying to pull me inside.
oh, atlas. here you were trying to take care of me and keep me safe, and i didn’t even listen.