when i am completely grounded in myself and in my truth, i am never alone.
i believe in something bigger than all of us. the name i use depends on the day.
i believe in angels. i say thank you to them every night and sometimes i ask them for a sign to let me know they're near.
i believe in faeries. i build them summer cottages in the woods and ask them to keep the wasps away from atlas.
i believe that trees have spirits. (well, i believe that everything has a spirit.) once, when i said hello to a tree, i heard it say hello back in a deep, kind voice. it was so amazing that it brought me to tears.
i tell the trees and the flowers and the weeds how beautiful they are.
i say hello to the squirrels and the bees and the blue jays that stop by my window.
i talk to spiders and ladybugs and butterflies and dragonflies.
once, i even called a slug "sweetie", as in, "sweetie, you are the most gigantic slug in all the world!" (it came out unconsciously, which made me think that i use the term a bit too often.)
i am finding my way to my own truth.
the point is not to try to convince you that angels or faeries exist or that trees talk. i feel very strongly that we all have our own truth and i have no wish to try to convince anyone out of their truth and into mine.
the point is not even that angels or faeries exist or that trees talk. it's entirely possible that they don't.
the point is that i want to choose what to believe in.
i choose to believe in these things because the me who believes in them is different than the me who doesn't believe in them.
the me who believes in faeries and angels and talking trees is open to magic and mystery and possibility and wonder. she lives in a world where anything is possible and where things can happen in the blink of an eye. she remembers the inherent value in everyone and everything. she sees the goodness in everyone around her. she makes choices that are based on hope and faith. she makes choices that are based on the kind of world she wants to live in – a world full of peace and joy and kindness and love.
living in that world is important to me. the things i choose to believe remind me of that world. they help me to access the wiser part of me, the part of me who can rise above my fears and make those choices.
this isn't to say that i am always the me who believes in angels and faeries and talking trees; however, even in my most doubtful moments, i believe in the possibility of all of them.