Photo by Elizabeth Halt
Photo by Elizabeth Halt

what if you are part of everything

December 10, 2012

“In his general theory of relativity Einstein astounded the world when he said that space and time are not separate entities, but are smoothly linked and part of a larger whole he called the space-time continuum. Bohm takes this idea a giant step further. He says that everything in the universe is part of a continuum. Despite the apparent separateness of things at the explicate level, everything is a seamless extension of everything else, and ultimately even the implicate and explicate orders blend into each other.

Take a moment to consider this. Look at your hand. Now look at the light streaming from the lamp beside you. And at the dog resting at your feet. You are not merely made of the same things. You are the same thing. One thing. Unbroken. One enormous something that has extended its uncountable arms and appendages into all the apparent objects, atoms, restless oceans, and twinkling stars in the cosmos.”

– Michael Talbot in The Holographic Universe

(i suppose this may or may not be true, but when i read the second paragraph, it was so beautiful that it took my breath away. also, it gave me an idea for a story about a world that was also an octopus.)

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7 comments... (add a comment)

  1. Some prople call that connectedness karma.

  2. All is one! :o) Wonderful image today, too, Elizabeth. Happy Week ((HUGS))

  3. Helen

    I keep trying to see a bird flying in this picture because the first split second i looked at it that’s what came to mind. but when i analyze it I can’t pick it out. Nonetheless that is still what I “see” (without actually seeing it, if that makes sense) :)

  4. tammy j

    i saw the bird too helen. and a hand.
    and to be one with the entire universe! yes.
    a breathtaking thought indeed.

  5. Ann Bimberg

    Deep thoughts for the day. Wonderful stuff.

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