Photo by Elizabeth Halt
Photo by Elizabeth Halt

when you are lonely or in darkness

November 19, 2019 | when you are lonely or in darkness

There is a thing I have tried to write about for years. I’ve started & stopped more times than you can possibly imagine.

The very short version is this: There was a time in my life when I wasn’t going to be here anymore.

(By here, I mean in this body, in this world, in this life. The only reason I am still here is because of my Atlas pup. When I say that he saved me, I mean it almost literally.)

Yesterday, I realized that I couldn’t write about it because I was making it too complicated.

I didn’t want to make anyone sad or cause them to worry.

I didn’t think all pain needed to be shared & I wondered if this particular pain did.

I thought I had to share more than I wanted to or needed to or possibly even could.

I thought there was no point in writing about it without including how I got from there to here. (Even if I thought it would add value, I can’t, because I don’t know how I got from there to here at all.)

When we are in darkness, there are so many thoughts that feel true.

I am alone.
I’m a burden.
I’m not needed.
I’m weak.
I should be ashamed.
No one will care.
No one has been here.
No one will understand.

These thoughts feel true, and yet I suspect we’ve all been through darkness.

I suspect we’ve all been through darkness.
Or are in darkness.
Or will be in darkness.

Darkness comes in so many forms & fashions.

How can we feel so alone, when there are so many people there with us?

It turns out that what I wanted to do was so much simpler than I imagined.

I just wanted to share a tiny piece of my story as my way of saying that I am there too.

Because maybe, just maybe, sharing that we’ve walked through darkness, or are walking through darkness – however or whenever or to whomever we share it – can be a tiny pinprick of light in someone else’s darkness.

Postscript: If you ever need someone to talk to, I am here.

Your darkness doesn’t scare me.

I can be with you in your darkness, because I have learned to be with me in mine.

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8 comments... (add a comment)

  1. Briana

    I am always so glad you are here. xoxo

  2. Jerry Critter

    Ahhhhhh! What a wonder dog Atlas was! I still think of him and how the two of you were one! He will always be with us! Take care always Elizabeth!

    • elizabeth

      It makes me so happy to know that he is remembered by others. Thank you for telling me that! And for being here. I appreciate it & you.

  3. Amy

    Ah, dear sweet angel Atlas.

  4. Josiane

    I’m glad you’ve found the essence of what it was you really wanted to say in the end, so that the important message you wanted to convey can now be out and do the good you hoped sharing that piece of your story would do.

    I’m happy you’re here, bringing beauty and love into this world. <3

    • elizabeth

      Thank you, Josiane! I know you know how satisfying it is to finally find a way to say what you want to say. Love to you.

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