Photo by Elizabeth Halt
Photo by Elizabeth Halt

snowshoe rabbits in the snow

January 16, 2014

won’t you come along on my favorite snowshoe hike? it’s not far away; it’s a little ways down the road.

i keep trying to find the right words to describe its enchantment and magic, and i keep coming up short, so i think i will just let my pictures speak for me.

whenever i go snowshoeing, i get a song from a children’s christmas book stuck in my head: “snowshoe rabbits in the snow, off to grandma’s house we go”. (it snows on christmas eve so the little rabbits use snowshoes to get to their grandma’s house for christmas.)

the other day, on a snowshoe hike with my dad, i learned that there are indeed snowshoe rabbits! apparently you can recognize their tracks because their long hind legs fall in front of their short front legs when they land.

the last time i was on this particular trail, it was covered with snow and what seemed like a hundred million rabbit tracks.

6 comments... (add a comment)

  1. MAGICAL winter moments, Elizabeth! We seldom see critters where we are, we have to go into the woods. It’s been snowing here for days now–lots of winter wonderland here at the moment too. :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

    • elizabeth

      I can just imagine your winter wonderland!

      Speaking of tracks, can you believe I’ve only seen one rabbit in all this time? They are very good at hiding.

  2. Andrea

    Beautiful photos! Makes me miss home. Thanks for sharing.

    i can absolutely feel the cold fresh air from here.
    and the quiet. the hushed smooshing of your snowshoes in the snow.
    i’ve only used them once in minnesota.
    what a workout! xo

    • elizabeth

      They are. And so much fun! I am so happy to be using them regularly. Snowshoeing and ice skating are my two favorite winter things.

      Also, Minnesota! I love Minnesota. So happy you got to see it. :)

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