Photo by Elizabeth Halt
Photo by Elizabeth Halt

hope floats

August 5, 2013 | hope floats

i could write so much about this, and maybe someday i will, but today i simply want to tell you that the reason i am here, the reason i am really here, is to help you connect with hope & possibility & wonder, even when you are feeling overwhelmed, scared, lost, or alone.

(of course there is also a reason behind the reason, which is to reflect your beauty back to you, and there is also a reason behind the reason behind the reason, which is to share my vision of a world full of possibility & joy & wonder.)

i spend a lot of time thinking about the difference between our excellence and our genius.

i am still not entirely sure of the essence of my particular genius, but my sense is that it centers around this: the way i see the world, the way i can express my vision of the world in image and in word, and my ability to hold onto that vision no matter how hard it gets.

if there is one thing i am sure of, it is that i am not here to be a teacher or a healer.

there are so many amazing teachers and healers in this world.

because part of my work in this life is to learn to trust myself and my inherent wholeness, i am not here to be one of them.

it feels more like i am here to be a lighthouse.

i am here to shine a light of hope & possibility & wonder in a world that sometimes feels entirely too gloomy.

because even though there are moments when i cannot access hope & possibility & wonder for myself, i can always access them for you.

thinking about this reminded me of one of my ideas, which i shall playfully and temporarily title hope floats.

now seems like the perfect time to experiment with it.

this is your invitation to join me on a 30 day adventure.

hope floats is not an e-course.

i do not want to teach you anything.

i want to sit beside you while you take one breath. i want to sit beside you while you sink deeper into your body. i want to sit beside you while you feel more at home.

here is how it will work.

every day during the month of october, an image will arrive in your email.

i will invite you to look at the image while you take a single long breath.

along with the image, i will include a phrase or a quote or a question to consider. the words will be few, because i really want to take you out of language and into silence, the silence that feels like coming home.

a friend referred to this as energy prompts, a directional arrow for your mood, which i think is a lovely description.

you can think of hope floats as a compass. the arrow will always point you home.

if your heart is saying “yes”, i would love to have you along.

cost: $11

–>this offering is no longer available.

4 comments... (add a comment)

  1. A lighthouse–YES! That is you! Although in some ways, I do think you are a healer too. A couple of years ago I thought my purpose was to be a creative healer–to help others heal using creativity. I realized I have enough healing myself to do… So I can only try to be a mirror for others to bounce their healing off of. I think we’re mirrors–we bounce our energy off each other all the time. So I suppose I think of myself as an energy lifter. I love to help people lift themselves up. :o) LOVE your Hope Floats idea. Count me in! Happy Day, Elizabeth… You are a very special light in the world, and I am thankful for you. ((HUGS))

    • elizabeth

      You are indeed an energy-lifter! And you definitely inspire me to be more creative. :)

      I like the idea that we’re all mirrors.

  2. i think you and tracy are both amazing.
    light houses and energy lifters personified.

  3. Helen

    I love this idea! :)

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