Photo by Elizabeth Halt
Photo by Elizabeth Halt

the great escape artist

December 12, 2012

last week, atlas and i were napping on the couch. when he was tired of lying next to me, he got up and moved to the end of the couch. i rolled over onto my side, only to feel the hard splint in my back. sleepily, i thought, “why is the splint here when atlas is there?”

needless to say, that sleepy thought woke me right up.

i still don’t know how he did it.

when i sat up to investigate, the splint was right where it is in the picture. it wasn’t stuck in the couch cushion. i definitely didn’t feel him wiggling around like he was trying to get it off. and as you can see, it is perfectly intact.

i spent the whole morning telling him that he was a genius.

alas for atlas, that wasn’t the end of the splint. it was going to be until he limped over to me with the expression that says “i am really really hurting”, an expression that i rarely see. i brought him to the vet immediately to have them put it back on him.

p.s. there are still some calendars left, if you want to spend 2013 with atlas!

3 comments... (add a comment)

  1. That’s a unique Atlas picture — a picture of his splint. He would have been in the picture also if he had not slithered out of it.

  2. tammy j

    oh atlas. you are brilliant!
    well. sort of.
    i know it’s a long long long time buddy.
    but it will eventually be back to normal.
    and look how clean your splint looks!
    you’re a silky clean boy.
    love and nose smooshes to you.
    can’t wait for my calendar of my favorite doggy pinup!
    tammy j

  3. While Atlas was eventually hurting, I had a good chuckle because I could imagine him wriggling out of his cast while you were on the couch and none the wiser! Some dogs are just smarter and more clever than we give them credit for. I hope Atlas is feeling better

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