Photo by Elizabeth Halt
Photo by Elizabeth Halt

30 days of (something) – checking in

September 12, 2011


it's monday! and so, i am continuing on with the 30 days of (something).

my morning pages are still going well. most days, i seem to write between four and seven pages, and my mind feels much less cluttered. i think that the clearing is helping new ideas and epiphanies flow in, and also releasing some of my anxiety.

this past week, i spent a lot of time noticing that i was not in flow. but i also spent some time in flow, especially as it related to my business.

for example, remember the postcards from heaven? i enjoyed that offering, as did the participants, but after the third session, i set it aside for a while.

well, i was inspired last week and the postcards are back. but this time, you'll be getting postcards from atlas! if you're interested, the session starts in october.

in another example, i added a {happy surprises} postcard set to the shop. i have a stack of brand new postcards to choose from and am so excited to send them out. a number of the images are extra-special; i have never shared them on my blog. (so many photos, so little time.)

plus, i made progress on a new project and worked through some fears and blocks.

i am definitely liking this focus on flow. i enjoy feeling like i've made progress.

if you are joining in and want to check in on this post, i would love love love to hear from you. regardless, know that i am happy that we're all in this together, and am cheering you on.

(and just for fun – because i do so love mondays – use the coupon code ilovemonday at checkout for free shipping on anything in my etsy shop today.)

7 comments... (add a comment)

  1. Tracy

    Isn’t it interesting what happens when we tune into flow…how we really start noticing when we genuinely are in flow, or not?! LOVE all the ideas for you current creative/business projects–especially the postcards from Atlas! Wishing you all the best and joy with all your new projects, Elizabeth. Happy Week ((HUGS))

  2. tammy

    i am still writing my morning pages too! but i have to admit something to you…
    instead of 3 pages (i’ve NEVER had trouble writing that many and more)… my personal challenge is to try to hone my rambling thoughts to one full page, not more than two.
    an english prof told me once that i was too in love with words. i love haiku and used to write it just for the discipline and the beauty of it.
    you can tell by the length of my comments…
    it’s a problem for me to just shut up!
    so.. am struggling to write succinctly and from the heart each morning and to only keep it one to one page.
    and i find your post cards from atlas (and beforehand.. heaven) to be positively enchanting.
    the world needs more people like you e.
    tammy j

  3. tammy

    yay!!! i just got the cards i ordered from you.
    i love them. Atlas’s big golden brown eyes were the first thing i saw! then turned it over and there’s his nose. lol.
    thank you for the extra one. it is (actually was!) beautiful. I’ve already used it to send birthday wishes to an old friend just a little while ago. as to the gentle giants… am not going to use them. i’m going to frame them. might have to frame atlas’s nose too. it makes me smile.
    thanks again. beautifully done e.
    i’ll be ordering more as i can afford them.
    i love the lost art of actually sitting down with a pen and sending a note. it takes so little time and it means so much.
    so jane austen of us!!!
    now if i just had a mr darcy to send the note to…
    thanks again.
    tammy j
    ps … using the little e halt email address thingy’s as book marks. so pretty!

  4. steph

    I am still going! I think I missed another day this past week again, but I’m continuing to hit a comfortable balance between pushing to do Shiva Nata even if I’m feeling tired (or just lazy) and giving myself permission to miss a day if that’s how it plays out.
    I’m finding it interesting that more often than not I’m practicing in the evening so far. Usually, I find it easier to do regular practices when I do them first thing in the morning. Or at least I thought I found it easier that way. :) It’s been a rather nice evening ritual to do a bit of Shiva Nata, then a bit of meditation, and then start winding down for the night.
    Postcards from Atlas – what an awesome idea!! :) I need to start *sending* more postcards. I am something of a hoarder of pretty postcards, and I’m trying to work through some of my stash so that I can feel justified in buying some new ones. :)

  5. elizabeth @ retinal perspectives

    @tammy: yay! so very glad you are enjoying them! p.s. i am very wordy too, especially in morning pages. maybe i need to try haiku myself.
    @tracy: it is so interesting! thanks for the well wishes!

  6. I’m still going with the meditation. It’s been a subtle and learning-filled journey thus far. A few days ago, my mid-back began to kind of hurt/be sore/be tight. At first I was still sitting up anyway, but then I realized that was silly. So now I’m lying down for my meditations. My back still hurts, though. I’m noticing that meditating in the evening works much better for me. I’m feeling so glad I joined this month of [something]!

  7. I would love to get a post card from Atlas! Hope his paws hold up with all the signing he’ll have to do!

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